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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Take a Bow

Have you guys heard Rihanna's new single? lol it sucks! hahaha seriously what the hell is this song about?!?! i think its really stupid hahaha sorry but you're an artist..please let us see the artistic side...the lyrics were....idk...stupid...."that was quite a show...very entertaining" what the fuck!?? listen to the lyrics...she even uses "PLEASE" in such a casual manner right before the first chorus.....which i think is very unprofessional of her and not really artistic...the song was basically just like having a normal eveyrday conversation about breaking up or something...unless that was her point, but i doubt it....nothing really artistic about it....she took quite a dive from Umbrella....just listen...and you'll here the depth to the music, to the lyrics..nothing it was as if it was just written on the spot and recorded just for the sake of it....anyways, whats up with the new look? not really working for her, that edgy, rihanna, you better do something about this one =) but in the end, im still a fan and i downloaded the song lol =P oh well :)

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