Just got home from work, It was fun finished early today...cutie count was low today lol! Ok let me explain, Cutie Count is the number of hot guys that uhmm let say come my way lol :P It was just 2 today...very low indeed. Besides that I bought some new dress socks since all of mines were worn out already....you can already see my toe(s) here they are!!

Cant wait to use the blue striped one lol and the argyle one!!!
My Workout today was pretty intense lol! My trainer had me on my knees...not the one you're thinking! you dirty fools! he had me doing lunges, squats, chest press, inclined chest press, sit ups, bicep curls...and a lot more yea my tongue was hanging out by the end of our session. I told you guys earlier how the gym can be cruise-y......so yea there was this guy. I always see him in there, well now I think i kinda know what his schedule is, and he knows mine. I remember last week when i got out of the shower, he was there, and I looked at him and he looked back. Today I smiled at him, he didn't smile back so I was like thats a fucking bummer so I went on with my workout and shit. After my session with my beloved trainer lol =P I decided to do some more abs, and he was doing abs as well so I was like sweet! lol Anyways i examined him closely....and thought to myself......I can do better, not to be cocky or anything but geez what was I thinking.
Ok I'm taking that one back. Well everyone has their own standards. We look, see stuff by our standards. WE JUDGE PEOPLE because we have standards....and this does not exclude me, so I'm sorry if I'm being offensive to anyone.
Moving on, while I was on the bus this afternoon, there was this guy dressed in some uhh sweat pants with a matching jacket/warmer, whatever. The kind of stuff that eminem would wear. I thought it looked funny...again no offense......but who in the world wears matching track pants if you're not working out or running or doing any type of athletic activity...hence the name track suit...who would wear those stuff out to go out...Seriously, are you for real?! I mean i would understand if you just came from working out and or running errands like those soccer moms and dads...but to go out?!? It looks like you just rolled out from bed and put on the first thing your hands caught,and YAY good thing it matches! LOL but hey whatever makes you happy =) I just think it looks stupidly pointless and tacky.

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