Good morning guys =) woke up bright an early today eagerly anticipating to write on my newly created blog. Well my schedule's gonna be pretty tight today well its just because i have work haha! Anyways, so far I am enjoying tis blog thingy and hopefully I could keep it up and uh maintain a loyal reader i have one already? hahaha shut up, a man can dream! I woke up today, looked out my window and behold...look what I saw
....SNOW,SNOW, and more SNOW!! Yea I am getting tired of it, I'm tired of wearing my snow boots, tired of wearing layers, tired of the COLD!
I seriously can't wait for spring weather, where I can wear shorts, shirt, a pullover and manage to be warm enough.
Oh well I guess till that time comes, He still has to shovel all that snow thats going to come our way =P One of the many things snow is good for is getting those cheeks as rosy as it can be =P
Have a good one guys!

1 comment:
Your loyal readers demands at least three posts a day! :P
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