What is it about being a model that is soooo hot and exciting? I wanna be one myself....what makes them sooo godly and you just want to sit there and watch them walk...there's something about them that is so admirable and i dont know......all i know is i want to be one...but i know i can't one im not THAT hot and two im short.....5'8 i need to be at least 5'11...damn that 3 inches... i wish i could be 6'0 flat...i'll be the happoest guy alive.....then again, if i dont have the looks, then i won't cut it as well...uhmm canada is diverse ebough, I'll find away lol, Give me the Height, Body...Im ready for runway =P see these are the thoughts when you get bored....lol damn they are so gorgeous =( just look at that 17 year old up top...yes he's just 17....Canadian too =P

what does it take to let someone know he's not just hot... He's fucking hot!! Stop putting yourself down you sexy beast, you! Haha!
*but yeah I wish I looked like that at 17! ;0)
i know...he's plain gorgeous....ugh..kids today LOL
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