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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good Times


me! apparently lol, to celebrate my friend's birthday and my other friend's week long farewell party lol.....I went out with my co-worker, and my friends, some some familiar was awesome, its always nice to go out and do something fun...and besides we can't wait for the weekend and its already a hump day so might as well party it up =) anyways I just want to blog about this guy who randomly gave me his number...he was cute tho...or prolly it was just the lights haha anyways I decided to send him a text message earlier today....hahaha and guess what he said........"who's this?" LOL it just cracked me up when i read the apparently he was too drunk....hahahaha....yea, who would ever get with me sober right? lol thanks a lot hahaha anyways it was just awkward so i texted him back and told him to uhh ask his friend...(i know his friend btw) anyways I was a drunken mess last night as well...and i really appreciate my friends for looking out for me last night so for that....CHEERS! and hopefully i wont puke on my bag of chicken nuggets again =P LOL i know.....i was really disgusting last night....early this morning but whatever, we had fun! thats what matters =)

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