Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Blu-ray dvd....abso-fucking-amazing!!! LOL Your movie experience will never be the same again! lol yess the quality of the video...is just perfection!!I wanna see porn in blu ray! hahahahahaha now that would be really hot lol...are there any out there? LOL anyways now im addicted to guitar hero LOL i have my career goin pretty well on there lol =P I am touring Europe right now hahahaha...that game is SICK. I know i may sound like a complete dork but hey, whatever im 21....im allowed! =P Anyways, I'm facing Slash today with a guitar battle lol...I couldnt beat him last night, i was wayyy sleepy lol anyways I think im just gonna stop looking for that boy and hopefully he would drop by when i least expect him or just uh drop by lol idk....whatever...im gonna be focusing on my career first! =P hahahahaha anyways have a great morning you guys! =)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Upside down world
Are we living in an upside down world? where the rich people are too rich.....they become poor....when it gets tooo cold, its suddenly hot...meh a lot of people might not get it but whatever, i just want to vent out right now.....and the hot guys are too hot they get thrown on the sidelines and get ignored........i may sound cocky in this entry but whatever......so my "friend" whom i hanged out before just told me he has a bf now...and im like...WHAT?!? are you serious LOL i know i know im sooo mean but hey i didnt think he would have one...ugh i take that back....anyways...he's a great guy and all but i've always seen myself getting a bf before him LOL...i feel like rachel on friends now...i get the damged goods....lol or always get rewarded last...oh well...i think i should just stop looking, and stop trying...am i trying too hard that "they" are running away and hiding from me? i dont know, just like this afternoon i was suppose to go on a date but he just took me home...anyways thats a long story.....i was stranded downtown, transit went on strike, he picked me up and took me home....and he's going out tonight...and i have a feeling he doesnt want me there IDK why........oh well i thought we were gonna go out but whatever.......ugh i can do better...i deserve better????do i? or i just think highly of myself? fuck this is hard...i need someone to psycho-analyze me or something hahaha ugh oh well...welcome to my life...being a single gay guy in toronto lol :)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Good Times
me! apparently lol, to celebrate my friend's birthday and my other friend's week long farewell party lol.....I went out with my co-worker, and my friends, some some familiar faces...it was awesome, its always nice to go out and do something fun...and besides we can't wait for the weekend and its already a hump day so might as well party it up =) anyways I just want to blog about this guy who randomly gave me his number...he was cute tho...or prolly it was just the lights haha anyways I decided to send him a text message earlier today....hahaha and guess what he said........"who's this?" LOL it just cracked me up when i read the message...lol apparently he was too drunk....hahahaha....yea, who would ever get with me sober right? lol thanks a lot hahaha anyways it was just awkward so i texted him back and told him to uhh ask his friend...(i know his friend btw) anyways I was a drunken mess last night as well...and i really appreciate my friends for looking out for me last night so for that....CHEERS! and hopefully i wont puke on my bag of chicken nuggets again =P LOL i know.....i was really disgusting last night....early this morning but whatever, we had fun! thats what matters =)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

YES madonna's new cd is gonna be released reallllly soon......my friend got a leaked copy over the net anddd he said it wasnt as good as confessions...hmm let me see it for myself....I think Madonna could pull it off..i guess well, we'll see.....from the stuff i heard from her new cd, I think its pretty awesome tho....getting in to that timabaland rhythm kinda style with a lot of bass and shit makes the song sooo bouncy and club-y lol Kinda like brit's cd anyways I really wish this new cd would be awesome...and I wanna see her perform tooooo so if anyone knows the sched for the tour or something please please please let me know hahahaha or get me some tix lol or take me out on a date or something =P

Another Day...Random Stuff
I got a new laptop....well not really new but im gonna be a mac user like later today hahahahaha YAY!!! i know mac's are better, no stupid trojan viruses for me! yay! lol :P
Summer's around the corner, I was thinking of buying a speedo LOL for real tho...i dont know lol hmmm im still thinking about it....something i should look into this summer lol...when i reach my ideal bod...:P thats gonna be my reward? :P perhaps lol =P
Thanks matt for linking my blog btw!!!
*now playing: blue angels - pras
Yea im just typing random stuff cause one i think our mind are free and these initial thoughts are the ones that are interesting......when they are just popping inside your head and just putting it down and not thinking about it too much eh....well i think it would be awesome...well its kinda like having an insider's view on whats going on on somebody else's mind or something...well im creepy that way lol =P If I dont make any sense, lol im sorry :P
anyways since im just blabbering about stuff now im gonna stop :P
Summer's around the corner, I was thinking of buying a speedo LOL for real tho...i dont know lol hmmm im still thinking about it....something i should look into this summer lol...when i reach my ideal bod...:P thats gonna be my reward? :P perhaps lol =P
Thanks matt for linking my blog btw!!!
*now playing: blue angels - pras
Yea im just typing random stuff cause one i think our mind are free and these initial thoughts are the ones that are interesting......when they are just popping inside your head and just putting it down and not thinking about it too much eh....well i think it would be awesome...well its kinda like having an insider's view on whats going on on somebody else's mind or something...well im creepy that way lol =P If I dont make any sense, lol im sorry :P
anyways since im just blabbering about stuff now im gonna stop :P
My frustration released
To my bartender last week.........last tuesday to be exact
......you know where i work, and i kinda flirted with you the whole night. I went to your bar today hoping i would see you....but you weren't there sooo anyways im guessing its your day off.t....yes we went there again LOL :P i told you i don't frequent your bar, but i think you're a good enough reason......and yea i think i mightve seen you in my store today i wasnt sure if it was you since the bar was too dark....just call me pleasee...you have my number....call meeeeeee pleaseee i just think you're special and one of a kind and cool too, of course!!
Finally i got that one out...whew lol :)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Its been a while
Yes its been a while...8 days to be exact, since my last post and tons of stuff happened since then....to start off...i got a tan...=P since the warm weather is coming up i better gear up and pump up my style? hahaha what am i talking about lol anyways its warmER now and I can show off my tan better hahahaha....then i got a haircut.....short short short........my dream of having a surfer shaggy hair is not gonna happen anytime soon cause my hair is tooo thick and its really hard to control....i bought some basic colourful tees from my store last week as well, aqua blue, turquoise, and some apple green, i know it might look like visual vomit but whatever i can pull it off =P and.....I've been "comming out" slowly to my closest friends lol...its awesome they love it hahahaha.....like last friday i came out to one of my girl friends......and she was sooo happy so we decided to go to a "gay" bar that same night lol was fun, she had a great time.....and i did tooo and hopefully we could go out again sometime soon....pleeeeassse since school is over anyways =P its about time! =P anyways thats a brief update as to what is happening with me right now hahaha, i'll post more when i get home later today :) see ya!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
So I was browsing some blogs and i came across this movie trailer for Shelter.....I wanna see it!!!well thats just based on the trailer...I think its a cute movie, and those of you who know me, knows how i love kids and shit anyways, i think this is going to be an awesome movie...watch the trailer!!! =)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Cute and Funny Vids
LOL my cousins sent me this link a few weeks ago, I just remembered it tonight since i saw it on dlist anyways it was hilarious lol...watch it
this next vid is sooo cute and funny as well :)
this next vid is sooo cute and funny as well :)
Dlist Hottie
hahaha so i figured i would do this thing just for fun, and if any gets offended by me posting their pic please just let me know, i'll take them down......
anyways, surfing Dlist today and i found this really cute aussie =P
ok so i guess instead of posting their pic, im just gonna link it to their page cause me saving their pics and posting them somewhere makes me feel like a creeper hahahahaha anyways here is the Dlist hottie for sunday (?) LOL bah he's cute so whatever
anyways, surfing Dlist today and i found this really cute aussie =P
ok so i guess instead of posting their pic, im just gonna link it to their page cause me saving their pics and posting them somewhere makes me feel like a creeper hahahahaha anyways here is the Dlist hottie for sunday (?) LOL bah he's cute so whatever

What is it about swimmers or speedo's that makes boys look really hot, adorable and amazingly sexy-licious lol (i have dibs on that word) lol
anyways I gathered a bunch of pics... for you and my pleasure as well lol :) fucken eye candies :P
is it their tanned skin?


Is is it their cute ass faces when they're wet?


Is it their bulges?!


Is it their smooooooth bods?

Handyman Superstar Challenge
I was eating breakfast earlier today in front of the tv, and we usually watch HGtv and the handyman superstar challenge was on. Anyways this one guy caught my eye....Joel Isaac....lol he's cute he has this peircing on his right brow and has this cute country accent....and unfortunately I can't find any picutres of him....anyways his profile can be seen here. He doesn't look that good in pics lol but in tv he is kinda cute anyways lol have a great day!! :)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
3 days late
So yea, I've been lagging again on my posts...because im kinda busy with work and other stuff =P sorry bout that hehe anyways im just gonna blabber about stuff....work has been pretty stressful these days...i stayed there till 3 in the morning the other day cause our new summer collection just arrived...and we have some... A LOT of pretty nice stuff...hahahaha we have these white jeans that just came in...and damnnnn they're pretty niceeee, speaking of which i have to call them to hold a pair of jeans for me lol one sec....done...YAY!!! sooo excited lol listening to the verve right now....bittersweet symphony....story of my life right now, anyways well i think its for the better i guess...moving on....wow im out of words =S my mind is totally blank right now, effect of working too late? hahaha oh i was went to the gym yesterday...and there was this guy who works there as a receptionist and had a trainer as well, we were training at the same time...side by side, anyways he's hot except for the mustache, if he shaved it off and get some stubbles instead...that would be a lot hotter =P the first time i met him, he gave me attitude about not bringing my own towels since i dont have towel service...bitch please hahaha but its all good, he complimented my name on my way out that day lol, anyways i just thought he's hot, but i dont think we'd ever go out on a date...i dont know, but i think we'd be cute together hahahahahaaha....
a lot of my friends have been graduating recently =S and im just starting my degree all over again, which kinda sucks, but oh well at least im doing what i like the most....and better, what i chose for myself, all my hard work and shit...its all me! and im very,very very determined to finish this one this time around =)
so whats my sexual fantasy? lol i really have no clue...there are a lot of stuff that turns me on, but i dont want to put it out there cause i'll just ruin it, its for you guys to discover it lol =) I have a wild imagination btw =P
AHHH the weather is FINALLY WARMING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!! thats something to be happy about, i can't believe i forgot about that one.....everything is thawing lol......its a nice, warm, sunny day today =) everybody bust out their shorts and sunglasses and enjoy the day!! lol its really nice to have warmth again lol damn we missed it =) well tomorrow its gonna rain :( so that kinda sucks but hey all the remaining ice will be melting!! so yay for that! we have a high of 12 degrees, yes it might be still cool for some people out there but here thats like good weather lol =P well at least for me, its a shirt and shorts weather lol really nicee=)
anyways im running out of words to say so thats about it for today...bah im working tonight again...then its the partyyyy weekend, once again =)
a lot of my friends have been graduating recently =S and im just starting my degree all over again, which kinda sucks, but oh well at least im doing what i like the most....and better, what i chose for myself, all my hard work and shit...its all me! and im very,very very determined to finish this one this time around =)
so whats my sexual fantasy? lol i really have no clue...there are a lot of stuff that turns me on, but i dont want to put it out there cause i'll just ruin it, its for you guys to discover it lol =) I have a wild imagination btw =P
AHHH the weather is FINALLY WARMING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!yay!!!!! thats something to be happy about, i can't believe i forgot about that one.....everything is thawing lol......its a nice, warm, sunny day today =) everybody bust out their shorts and sunglasses and enjoy the day!! lol its really nice to have warmth again lol damn we missed it =) well tomorrow its gonna rain :( so that kinda sucks but hey all the remaining ice will be melting!! so yay for that! we have a high of 12 degrees, yes it might be still cool for some people out there but here thats like good weather lol =P well at least for me, its a shirt and shorts weather lol really nicee=)
anyways im running out of words to say so thats about it for today...bah im working tonight again...then its the partyyyy weekend, once again =)
Monday, April 7, 2008
Cutie Alert!!!

I saw Stop-Loss last week......it was a shitty movie...didnt like it at all, not to mention I was in uhhhh an awkward date, anyways the movie none the less had a lot of HOTT smoking bodies....Channing Tatum, and not to mention RYAN PHILLIPPE...........he's just soooo gorgeous!!! and a hot dad....DILF anyone? LOL =P ew anyways, I think I blogged about him already, but whatever I just want to post some hot pics of him ;) He's too cute, anyways here you go =)

Sunday, April 6, 2008
4 Minutes
4 minutes.....Madonna's new single from her up and coming album Hard Candy, here's the official video, I think it's pretty awesome and knowing that Justice, Jonas & François, directed the video (and since i like them...i'm gonna be biased =P)......I think it was pretty cool anyways, you be the judge :)
Thursday, April 3, 2008
My Theme Song for now
If he aint gonna love you the way he should...then let it go
If he aint gonna treat you the way he should....THEN LET IT GO! =P
Fuck it im done dating for now, I'm gonna enjoy my freedom, and get me some digits this weekend =P
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Something more about me

So yea, not a lot of you guys know that I work for retail, anyways we always have to look good lol...well if we are selling clothes, we must look the part...you know what I mean? it just makes us more credible....same thing goes for any other job...you have to look the part! I wouldn't hire a trainer who's kinda flabby...you know, you cant even get your body up to shape and you're teaching me how to sculpt mine....anyways I'm just killing time right now before work and I was at Harry Rosen's website and their spring collection is just awesome =P not to mention the models were hot!!! anyways I still think people could pull off these looks for a fraction of what it cost over at their store lol :)
The B-Squad
HAHA i found this video yesterday and just thought that it was really funny lol here, watch it!!!! lol
Chasing Pavements
This is my song for today lol, I saw her perform at Mtv live, and I was just captivated (im not sure if thats the word for it) by her voice.....sooo sexy and soulful...and the song's really nice...take a break and listen to it =) the guy on the pavement is cute tooo lol =P the video is amazing as well sooo good :)
I've made up my mind,
No need to think it over,
If i'm wrong I aint right,
No need to look no further,
This ain't lust,
This is love but,
If i tell the world,
I'll never say enough,
Cause it was not said to you,
And thats exactly what i need to do,
If i'm in love with you,
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere
I'd build myself up,
And fly around in circles,
Wait then as my heart drops,
and my back begins to tingle
finally could this be it
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere
I've made up my mind,
No need to think it over,
If i'm wrong I aint right,
No need to look no further,
This ain't lust,
This is love but,
If i tell the world,
I'll never say enough,
Cause it was not said to you,
And thats exactly what i need to do,
If i'm in love with you,
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere
I'd build myself up,
And fly around in circles,
Wait then as my heart drops,
and my back begins to tingle
finally could this be it
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?
Should i give up,
Or should i just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere
Ok, so i went out again on a date with THE guy yesterday....it was a flop...a downer =( it felt really rushed cause he had do to finish up some work for today....and he has to get up early, being the kind me i said alright.....the date started at 4.....ended by 7....the sun was still up....it wasnt very romantic as the first one, so sorry...it was a flop......and i dont think it will work between us cause he lives tooo far away and we can't hang whenever we want to we HAVE to PLAN everything....im not like that, im spontaneous when it comes to friends, guys, whatever.....if i wanna go somewhere the next hour, i prolly will...you know thats me, anyways he's gonna get dropped, sorry but i deserve better =P If you want spend time with me or anyone that you like, you should be willing to make some sacrifices..learn how to compromise and prioritize....well thats what he did, he prioritized his work....i know he has to right now so would suggest no dating for him right now, cause work would just keep on getting in the way of stuff and that would be not fun.....i sound like a complete bitch, i know but come on, learn how to manage your time! It was a hit and a miss......or was it a miss all along? bah whatever....and that lasted for a week? LOL fun times
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
What Dreams May Come
HAHAHA i just had the grossest dream ever! and i just have to let it out of my system...hahaha so yea i just woke up form this disgusting dream......you'll never guess who was in it! lol ROB LOWE! hahaha i know i know he's cute and whatever...BACK IN THE DAYS....he is OLD! and YEA iwas dating rob lowe in my dream or at least his character from brothers and sisters lol.....cause he was famous in my dream and he was doing tv shows and shit. Anyways he wasnt a good kisser in my dream as well....he had a tiny uhuh......like pinky size....in my dream i was like wow, thats why i didnt feel a thing! lol i was expecting more lol anyways it was just disgusting ughh, wish i had something better to dream about...like uh chad white or some dolce and gabbana model or some hot guy.
I was talking to some guy inside the chatroom last night, and he was just so gorgeous but he was taken already and he's in san diego....and he was mentioning how his bf is soo hot and whatever so being the usual me, i got jealous....i rarely get the hot guys =( i mean i never! and it sucks....seriously. I told him his bf was lucky cause he was just damn gorgeous like whoa...my type indeed...oh well i guess im not playing the field the right way.......i think im gonna for that gym guy i saw last friday....if i see him again this week, I'll muster some kind of confidence and come up to him or at least say hi and let him know i exist...oh wait lol he was checking me out..lol he knows i exist LOL =P and not to be stalkerish or anything...but i kinda know where he lives hahaha well at least the subway station he gets off =P hahahaha i wanna go back to sleep and see if i'd dream something better lol =P
I was talking to some guy inside the chatroom last night, and he was just so gorgeous but he was taken already and he's in san diego....and he was mentioning how his bf is soo hot and whatever so being the usual me, i got jealous....i rarely get the hot guys =( i mean i never! and it sucks....seriously. I told him his bf was lucky cause he was just damn gorgeous like whoa...my type indeed...oh well i guess im not playing the field the right way.......i think im gonna for that gym guy i saw last friday....if i see him again this week, I'll muster some kind of confidence and come up to him or at least say hi and let him know i exist...oh wait lol he was checking me out..lol he knows i exist LOL =P and not to be stalkerish or anything...but i kinda know where he lives hahaha well at least the subway station he gets off =P hahahaha i wanna go back to sleep and see if i'd dream something better lol =P
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