Thursday, May 29, 2008
FOR Jake_2.0
Where the hell are you?!?! lol miss ya bud! This one's for you =) I was listening to it on my ipod on my way home and I remembered how much you love her....btw, are you going to watch her concert? miss ya!!!!
Wait and it will come.....thats what my co-worker told me last night.....we went out after work and had a "deep" conversation about relationships, and how its hard for us to find THE guy, we kept trying hard to find that guy....which led us to realize that we're trying tooo hard that we forget about ourselves and even more so terrible, we focus on the bad qualities that we have....and get us down that sucks hahahaha anyways he was meeting this guy for the first time lol, and i was just there for a buffer lol nah im kidding, he wanted to meet the guy as well and se hows it goin for him...anyways as soon as the guy arrived lol he shoved me away lol its all good lol i know he loves me still hahaha =) the guys i would say looked pretty normal for a guy who he met online. Anyways after that I called up my BEST friend lol who is determined to get me a guy by summer or at least i told him to haha, to come go out with me, I needed a break from everything lol, like i always do every week lol God i should stop lol, our first intention for going out is really to just have fun, guys come second lol =P RIGHHHTTT, anyways we went to this club we frequent every wednesday night....i know who goes out on a wednesday night right? apprently, A LOT of guys...and girls who wants to enjoy the hump day, just to get by through the week. So yea this wednesday night i was feeling lucky, we went in the club/bar whatever, and it was DEAD, no one was dancing, but dont get me wrong, the bars were packed, there just wasnt enough much for my luck eh. as the night progressed i got more uhm depressed, all the guys were hitting on my friend...and not i hate him haha, anyways I got 3.....I pulled off a joey "how YOU doin?" on one of them lol too funny, anyways now i can only remember 2 of their names, one was derek, the other was kevin from mc d's after the club, i think the other one was jess or jeff, not sure, moving on, derek has a bf which made me more sad lol but whatever, thought he was really cute tho with his faux hawk. and i can tell he's really committed to his bf (??) lol anyways on our way home there was this really sketchy guy, he was all dressed up in a suit, nice shirt and tie, all that jazz......he was dealing us drugs lol, and i was like whoaa, THAT IS SKETCHY.....I was gonna crash at my friends place cause i dont want to pay friggin 40 bucks for a cab ride.....this guy followed us to my friends place.....whats more.....he offered to sleep with us!! LOL nothing hotter than a drugged out straight boy! LOL right, he was like "I've always been curious!" and to add to that....he's really for real CUTEEE, as we were entering my friend's condo, he was like " are you sure?" i was holding the door open...BUT i know I SHOULDNT so i closed him and let him go to the cab the time we got to my friend's place we were like " I can't believe a straight guy just hit on us" lol a cute one at that! anyways we went to bed laughing lol I had fun =) I know this might seem disconnected with everything but it just made me realize that i shouldn't rush will come, and when it comes it will sweep me off my feet and fall in love (IT being the guy lol).....but before that happens, i must have the patience to wait...wait, and WAIT some more =) another lesson learned.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
My Apologies
I am soooooo sorry for not updating the blog as much as i used to...yes I've been busy with, as usual and going out....the same shit =( its the first time I had 2 off days in a row so thats good, I got some stuff organized, speaking or which i have to pay my school =S ugh...A GRAND just for DEPOSIT or reservation of your spot...something like that...i am gonna be soooo broke once school start....Its gonna be sunny all week!!!! yay for that!! mmmm i just woke up and i cant think of anything else lol sorry lol I'll update this throughout the day hahaha =)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Back from my Hiatus
I'm back in trip was really fun! had a great time with my family =) did lots of shopping and uhm shopping lol whew im really tired....we drove there and back...such a long trip from toronto to penn, it was like 7 hours and from atlantic city to toronto was like 8 hours...damn my ass was sore lol :P I dont think my dad had a hard time driving tho lol he was playing with his cruise control lol I didnt know our van had that till now hahahaha anyways on a lighter note, I did some thinking about myself, and i know i told my self this over and over again......I'll STOP looking for that guy....i know its hard but im trying...starting NOW! im gonna focus more on my studies and other stuff...more important friends and family....i need to prioritize what's important in my life right now, like going back to school, and paying my bills...and my job of course =) with that said, im gonna try and not to think of boys right they're trouble :P
Monday, May 19, 2008
for the month of may I promise myself that there will be no more boys for now, I want to concentrate more on my family and friends, and most importantly, myself. I am going back to school this fall, and i need to fix up everything to get a loan and freakin move out and shit =P since that would be really awesome :P Then I could throw parties now =P I'm gonna throw some madddd parties hahahaha. Anyways, one of the main reasons why I am partying now is that when school begins I know i wont have time to do it....I'll be sooo immersed on my studies (and my boy?..hopefully lol) that I won't have time to party......sooo im doing it now =P I'm so excited for school...I can't fuckin wait!! lol
Thursday, May 15, 2008
David Guetta
I am a fan of David Guetta.....and too fuckin bad i missed his concert here in toronto =( a couple of months ago.....all i can do is youtube his performances and pretend i was there :( anyways here are some vids
I'm Your Fuel For Life

Yes...I....I....I GOT DUMPED....who the hell dumps me? hahaha JK Anyways, it was comming sooner or later....good that he made it easier for me lol =P and I mean, he narrowed my choices =P Good =) I dont know tho if i should be happy or sad, he said he still wants us to be friends cause "we enjoy each other's company" whatevs....and no its not FWB...Friends With Benefits....oh well there's always a good and a bad side on stuff like this, and whats important is just to focus on the positive that came out of this...right? =) well im moving on...."If i never see your face again, I dont mind, cause we gone much further than I thought we'd get tonight" =P
If I Never See Your Face Again
I love maroon 5! and Rihanna, and they made a video together lol. personally, i think the video is awesome i love the classy-ness in it and the vintage look...very very nice =) anyways watch it! =P.....not to mention Adam Levine is sooo gorgeous, if only he was younger lol...yea he looks old now sorryyy =P
Take it back
Yes, im gonna take back what i said about rihanna's song, IT GROWS ON YOU, just like when umbrella first came out, i thought , what was this girl thinking singing "ella ella eh eh eh eh " annoyed me at first and now i loved the song.....same thing for take a bow hahahaha, oh Rihanna, you're working your magic on me lol
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Take a Bow
Have you guys heard Rihanna's new single? lol it sucks! hahaha seriously what the hell is this song about?!?! i think its really stupid hahaha sorry but you're an artist..please let us see the artistic side...the lyrics were....idk...stupid...."that was quite a show...very entertaining" what the fuck!?? listen to the lyrics...she even uses "PLEASE" in such a casual manner right before the first chorus.....which i think is very unprofessional of her and not really artistic...the song was basically just like having a normal eveyrday conversation about breaking up or something...unless that was her point, but i doubt it....nothing really artistic about it....she took quite a dive from Umbrella....just listen...and you'll here the depth to the music, to the lyrics..nothing it was as if it was just written on the spot and recorded just for the sake of it....anyways, whats up with the new look? not really working for her, that edgy, rihanna, you better do something about this one =) but in the end, im still a fan and i downloaded the song lol =P oh well :)
Bebebebenieeee and the Jetss

Bennie and the new favorite song from the movie 27 dresses...I loved it...yea i may sound like a complete dork and sucker for hopless romantic stuff....which i know i am =P but hey the movie was really cute katherine was awesome, and james mardsen is my new crush lol...very cute guy....

they were really funny and i actually believed their chemistry...tho the story/plot was over used in countless films already.....reporter falling inlove with the subject of his/her to loose a guy in 10 days flashback.....but still, it was funny and it worked i guess, i liked i watched it on blu-ray and it was awesome lol =P i could almost kiss malcom doyle's face, jame's character =P but yea for me i would give it a 2 out of 5 star rating just because the plot destroyed it all lol...i mean I KNOW WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT....its that type of movie...none the less it was really cute, its a nice date movie =) BTW WATCH THE VID!! SOO FUNNY AND CUTE!! =)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Most Goegeous Boy EVER
While i was walking up the street today i ran past this gorgeous looking guy...very very hot, had a white tee on, with a sleeveless hoodie, black knapsack scruffy face, gorgeous eyes..i think i melted when he looked my way...we had a moment..hahahaha or so i'd like to think hahahaha but who ever you are...damn ur pretty fine and i hope we bump into each other again :)
Finally spring is here!!! YAY! time to bring out your umbrellas, sun glasses, shorts and such! I can smell grass already! yes! and the lawn mower outside is giving me a headache mmm let me see if the guy is hot lol =P oops..damn its an old guy lol i was gonna take a pic of him but he saw me LOL i dont want to seem to be stalker-ish lol....the weather network is forecasting a high of 21 degrees today!!!SWEEET!!! anyways i have a trainer session today...and im gonna take pics later too =P just so you guys could see my progress....or if there is any....=P its gonna be a warm day!!! YAY! even thos its supposed to rain later...whateve...fuck the rain! YAY for heat! =P
Mariah on Good Morning America
haha I cant really tell if she snapped or what, but i think one of her back up singers needs to find another job now lol =P Mariah is such a diva hahahaha boths singer know what i this vid and hear her say "stop singing my part now baby...." hahahaha way funny =P
Last Nights Dream
LOL i had a very very funny and weird dream last night.....we were in this and my "x" and his hot friend and his bf......we were partying and the club, while i was getting some drinks some punk ass went behind me and tapped my know like how the gangster do it....haha anyways i looked over and i shoved his hand aside and did the same to him...apparently he's this "mafia" guy of the club so i got really scared and bothered....he was looking at me from across the room while talking to his gang. As it turned out he wanted to rape me....hahahahaha, weird eh...anyways i managed to tell my "x" hahaha so we escaped the, him and his friend, and his friend's all 4 of us were running throught the club, through the streets while the mafia was chasing was really freaky at first, we ended up in the dessert....everybody was stripping their clothes off...tooo hotttt and we needed water....then there was this huge boulder where there was water on top of it. we had climb the boulder...while climbing the boulder my friend's harnest went loose....pretty much like a cliff hanger scene.....then someone opened my door and that woke me up...bummer haha oh well i was having fun!! lol
Monday, May 5, 2008
YES its been a long while again for me........I've been really busy with work...partying, and doing some stuff for my school...yes...i got into the univ i wanted!!! Im gonna start school this fall...FUN!!!!more boys and parties lol not to mention my campus is like a hop, skip and a jump to the VILLAGE =P hahahahaha meh its gonna be tons of fun!! lol
Anyways, I apologize for the long delay on posts its just because, I've been having too much fun lol yes during the last four weeks, I've been out every weekend...why? my friend from nova scotia left for home so we had to party it up every weekend, every last minute we have here in Toronto =) MATTYFACE I MISS YOU ALREADY!!! lol Speaking of parties, I went to my friend's birthday party last saturday...I HAD A BLAST!! Even though most of them were straight...I love them...gorgeous girls and all around....i miss those guys already...and yes I CAME OUT to them...well most of them...and i think all of them know anyways so did i came out? lol one of the girls asked me whats up with me and this other girl who i came out to at the club...and we've been bonding all night...anyways my best friend told me that i should prolly tell them so i did...."She was helping get this guy at the bar..." everybody was like OHHHHHHHHH lol fun times love it!!!!
AHH remember my "goal" body for summer? I think im getting close, well hopefully i just pigged out on chocolates earlier ugh...anyways I think im not doing as much as i could...I should start doing sit ups everyday now like 50-100 in the morning AND evenings...sounds good? YES and please please please someone remind me of this...I need that constant reminder or else i find myself veering off my goal....speaking of gym....i went to the gym earlier....and this guy was eyeing me....I didnt mind it at first...but he kinda looked familiar so i was like i think i've seen him before....anyways, he had this hot tat on his neck and chest, so when i was done with my workout, i went to the locker room and saw him drying off.....WHOA =P hahaha...HOT he was parading his manhood lol =P i think he was flexing in front of the mirror as well lol anyways he was really hot.......i went to shower and he was gone when i was done......i went downtown to get me some protein shake and some food for was a nice day out so i decided to walk up the street......when i was passing the gay strip club...SURPRISE!!! look who's smoking outside...its the guy with the tat....we made i contact..yess the guy fondling himself at the gym....LOL Its either he's working there OR he's a lame as guy who goes to the strip club at 630 in the evening! gonna give him the benefit of the doubt....way funny, but really hot tho..whew!
As for boy "seeing" 2 guys lol....i seriously don't know what to to about them....i HAVE to ditch the other one, I dont know who tho...the fun guy..or the guy with the car? lol well the fun guy has a car too, and lives a bit closer to me.........I think i know who to keep....the down side tho.....both of them are ALWAYS tooooo busy...wayyy busy, i cant hang out with them on a regular basis, it always has to be planned...bah oh well i hate it...i think im gonna drop both of them for now and just enjoy being single hahaha then i'm gonna rant again about being single and its stupid, I hate going through this cycle! lol ugh I just need a good hot blonde, 5'8 - 6'0 fit, nice teeth, nice smile, awesome personality, can hang out with me anytime and below 26 yrs of age, boyfriend lol =P am not too picky am i? and im not reaching for the stars here...nice eyes wont hurt too :)
I guess this is it for now! I will try my best to keep this up to date!! PROMISE!!!!!
much love
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